Apart from dieting, exercising is one of the most frequently used strategies by those who are trying to shed a couple of extra kilograms. This is because exercise burns calories which plays a fundamental role in weight loss. As well as assisting you with losing weight, exercise has also been linked to many other benefits, including improved mood, stronger bones as well as a reduced risk of many chronic diseases.
If one of your fitness goals is to lose weight in 2021, you need to know that not all exercises are designed equally. Just as you need to adjust your food and macros to lose weight, you may also need to change (or take the first step in) your exercise routine in order to reach your health goals.
It’s a given fact that all types of exercise help you with getting your heart rate up, which allows you to burn calories. However, after that, things could get a bit confusing. With so many options out there – and many claiming to be the “best programme” which guarantees the “best results” – it can be confusing to get an understanding of exactly what workout can get you the results that you want for the time you invest.
The King Of All Calorie-Burning Exercises – Cardio
Cardio, of course, will torch a fortune of calories. According to a research paper in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, running on a treadmill will burn between 25 and 39% more calories as opposed to doing kettlebell swings at the same level of exertion. However, your best bet for weight loss is a routine which combines cardio and strength training.
What’s The Big Deal About Strength Training?
Building a lot of lean muscle may be the key which unlocks the scale. This is because muscles are metabolically active, so they burn calories even when you’re not sweating it out at the gym. To fit cardio and strength into your workout, consider interval training.
What Is Interval Training?
Interval training moves between short, high-intensity bursts of activity with periods of rest as well as recovery in between.
Interval training makes use of the body’s two energy-producing systems: the aerobic and the anaerobic systems:
- The aerobic system is the system which allows you to walk or run for long distances. It uses oxygen in order to convert carbohydrates in the body into energy.
- Conversely, the anaerobic system draws energy from carbohydrates that are stored in the muscles for short bursts of activity. Examples are sprinting, jumping or lifting heavy objects.
In interval training, the high-intensity periods are usually at, or close to, anaerobic exercise. The recovery periods may include either complete rest where you play Canadian slots online, or lower-intensity activity. This gives you the opportunity to work out more in a shorter period of time. In addition, it’s much more comfortable than spending your entire workout at a high intensity. The key is to create workouts which fit what you can handle as well as what you want from your workouts.